Monday, September 29, 2014

Stormy Weather

If today was a harbinger of things to come, we are in for a long winter.  I woke up to lightning, torrential rains, and wind gusts up to 70 mph.  The trailer rocked like crazy in the wind, tables and chairs were tossed about like dollhouse furniture, and one of our 300 gallon water tanks was blown off its platform.

Fortunately, Dubs' solar array withstood the gale force winds and only went slightly out of adjustment.  Since there was no sun to be had, it was moot

Now that the storm has blown through, the temperatures are starting to drop.  I saw snow on Blanca Peak for the first time today, and, according to NOAA, Wolf Creek Pass is closed with 18" of snow already.  My friends in the Springs have posted about thundersnow on Pike's Peak.  Judging from the lightning we had earlier,  I would say the same is occurring on Blanca.

The wood stove is in place, the critters are snuggled up, and Sweetie & her pups are warm and dry. 

We were reminded today, rather abruptly, that winter is on it's way.  We'll be ready.

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