Monday, July 14, 2014

A month in....

It's hard to believe we've been here a month.  In the last few weeks, I've made so many life changes, it's not even funny.  I've learned how to appreciate the niceties in life that we all take for granted, I.e. water, electricity, shelter, etc.   For those of you potential off-gridders out there, some preliminary advice:

1). Always recycle your water, to the greatest extent possible.  If that means washing your dishes in water that was used to boil spaghetti, so be it.
2) Conserve electricity whenever possible.  I just turned out all of the lights and am running off the illumination provided by my cell phone.  The occasional flash of lightning in the distance is almost haunting.
3) Take your solar shower before noon, particularly if you live in CO or a similarly mountainous area.  Lightning and outdoor showers don't mix.
4) Learn to be crafty and ingenious.  That baling twine just might come in handy

Signing off.

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