Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 12:

Day 12:  Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Generator is about to die.  I'll have to sign off for now.  Lots to blog on my cell phone, which is, thankfully, 90% charged.  BRB

Monday, June 23, 2014

10 days in

We've been at the new ranch for 10 days now.  Other than not having taken a shower in 5 days, (I've been bathing with Huggie's wipes), I'm becoming quite fond of the pioneer lifestyle.

The days are arduous but productive, as we measure our progress in small increments.  The nights are cool and starry, and are usually accompanied by an aromatic, sage-infused breeze.

All of the animals have settled in well.  The 6 dogs are turning into real working ranch dogs, and loving every minute of it.  The chickens have started laying again, the kittens love frolicking in the sagebrush, and Bear Bear, our horse, is loving the crisp mountain air.

Time to go haul water for Bear I must sign off for tonight.

Friday, June 20, 2014

A chance to breathe

The last few days have passed by like a whirlwind.  Since last Monday, 6/16, I've been going non-stop.  Today, I slept til 1:00, and awoke feeling rested, calm and nonplussed for the first time in years. 
Clearly, I'm facing the challenge of my life.  I never imagined, in my wildest dreams, that I would be where I am today.  I just hope I can stick it out.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Home at last

Day 4:  Moving into the camper today.  This is a huge leap for me, but I'm putting it in the hands of God.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Horses

Horsey relocation day (again...ugh).  Dubs, Jesi, Kong and Baby Dosie are happily settled in on 30 acres of mountain grass.  Tomorrow, we move the round pen to our new property, and begin laying the fencing.  It's going to be a challenging, long haul, but at least it's OURS!

Moving the horses

Day three: relocating the horses to their vacation spot.  They'll be happy as clams here!

Friday, June 13, 2014

The camper is here!!!

Day two....this is the camper that will be our home during the initial stages of our adventure.  I'm nervous but ecstatic with anticipation.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day one

Day One:  June 12, 2006

It's official.  This girl is going pioneer.  Just purchased a lovely plot (6+ acres) of land near Ft. Garland, Colorado.  The property is absolutely gorgeous, with mountain views from all directions, fragrant sagebrush and Pinon pines, and a nice ravine for the wind to whistle through.

We moved the camper down to the ranch today, and are ready to start our new adventure.  Looks like I'll be roughing it for a while, having to haul in water for the critters, operate off of a generator, and build our home from the ground up.

I've never taken a leap like this before, and, quite frankly, I'm a bit terrified.  In a couple of days,all of the creature comforts that I have taken for granted (i.e. running water, electricity, a warm shower, internet, etc.) will all be a thing of the past.  Still, with great people all around me, I have no doubt that we will succeed in  building our dream.

More to follow.  I'm exhausted.  Tomorrow will be a whole new adventure.
